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Monday, February 9, 2009

Story Time! 2

Drop Dead

Chapter 2

“Jeffrey, where the fuck is my coffee?” I said with obvious agitation in my voice.

Where the fuck is that piece of shit? What the fuck do I pay him for? I swear to god I'm going to fire his ass tonight.

“I'm pouring it now sir!” replied Jeffrey sounding frantic.

Sitting at the glass table, I could see him head my way with a cup of coffee in his hand. He had a rush to his stride as he passed through a marble hallway. I wonder if he ever admires the works of art I have on the wall in the hallway. He probably has no idea who the artists are and could probably care less. Sometimes I feel that this schmuck doesn't realize how good he has it.

“Here you go sir, I'm very sorry that you had to wait. I had to wash the inside of the coffee maker as it had gotten dirty. It won't happen again, I can assure you that.” he said as he finished with a smile.

“Fine, do you have this morning's WSJ? I swear to god if those journalist pigs wrote about our 4th quarter loss...” I said while I could feel my face heating up. It's way to fucking early to be this stressed.

“Yes sir, let me go fetch it.”

I have a meeting friday with Paulson at the treasury building. That mother fucker is supposed to talk to me about some additional money he will funnel to us if we go ahead with the merger. The fucking merger. What a fucking mess. John, our CEO has already been to the hospital twice this week because his heart was fluttering, causing him to almost pass out.

“Well, your not on the front page sir.” Jeffrey said while handing me the paper.

“Probably the only good thing that will happen today.” I replied.

I heard some rustling up stairs, probably my wife. That's my queue to get the fuck out of here. I don't want to see that wench this early. Her face looks like a fish skull in the morning.

“Alright Jeffrey, I need to get to the Ritz to meet with Sanders and get some breakfast. Make sure you have everything ready for the kids before they wake up. They don't need to be fucking late again.” I said.

“No problem sir, all is taken care of. Enjoy our day.” he replied.

“Ha, yeah right.” I said as I made my way to the front door.

The cool morning felt good on my face, since it was moist from sweating this morning. The hot coffee didn't help matters. I made my way to the garage to get in my new mercedes. Fucking v12 in that car. It's a piece of art in it's own right.

I sat in the drivers seat, admiring the feeling of the cool leather that shaped to my body. As I sat, there was a small swoosh sound, which is very satisfying.

As the car turned on, I was overwhelmed with the sound and feeling of the engine starting. It felt like you were sitting on the voice-box of a growling pitbul. Ferocious yet as delicate and precise as the sound of a wave hitting the beach. Speaking of, I need to go on a fucking vacation soon.

I arrived at the ritz parking deck and handed the keys over to the vale. That little shit better not fuck with my car. You should have seen how big his eyes got when I pulled up. That little fucker is going to take it for a spin, I can feel it.

“Be careful with his one, young man. If anything happens to it I promise that I will break your legs. Have a good day.” I said with a stern look. Then I tossed him the keys.

I made my way through the revolving door and took a few steps in the lobby when my blackberry went off. Fishing through my pocket, I finally grasped it and brought the screen where I could see it.

It was Doug, one of my guys working on every detail of the merger. He helps make sure we don't get fucked on this deal but seeing that he was calling me this early made my stomach queasy. Something was wrong.

“Hi Doug, what's up?” I answered.

Just as Doug started to speak, I noticed a little puppy taking a shit on the floor. Fucking great, I'm not going to be able to eat after smelling that pile of shit. I have a weird thing with smells, they stick with me for hours. Dog shit doesn't help with my appetite.

“Wait, what?” I said into the phone.

Doug was going on about some new bad assets he discovered last night that weren't reported to us yet in our discussions with the company we were going to merge with. The bad assets we did know about were enough to convince me this is a horrible fucking deal. And still there are even more. Our fucking shareholders are going to sell like its the great depression.

To make matters worse, their CEO is being a complete ass. Even though we are saving his fucking company, he is still such a greedy fuck. He's been pushing to get a majority role in anyway that he can. He just doesn't get it.

“They can kiss my ass if they think we will do this merger without my 60% ownership. We are saving their asses! Their shareholders will have their heads on a fucking stick!” I screamed into the phone.

“Listen Doug, I'm about to meet a client so I can't talk about this right now. Find out everything you can and I will see you in a couple hours.” I said then hung up the phone.

What a fucking day this is going to be.



JRibs said...

How long will we have to wait for Chapter 3? WTF

Johnny Dangerously said...

It's coming, it's coming!!!

I need to understand Google's TOS first because I have a feeling they may lay ownership on my work since it is posted on their servers.