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Sunday, September 28, 2008

PETA wants you to drink human breast milk

(Wouldn't that make some great Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream)

Apparently PETA has been getting a little bored lately and since no one will take any of them seriously, they had to take it up a notch. According to WNBC in New York, they have sent a letter to Ben and Jerry's pleading their case that Human milk is much better to use than cows milk in ice cream.

I don't know about you, but I'm not looking forward to slurping on a melting bowl of ice cream made from "milk" from those things. God I think I'm going to puke...

Go visit the link where they posted their entire letter for your entertainment.

Read the letter here.


1 comment:

Richardo 3dw said...

My lumps My Lumps my lovely lady Lumps - they look like two brown rubber chickens