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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Pizza Hut really sucks!


I am really not a big coupon guy. I mean, these pizza companies have made it a little easier by posting them online when you can order online but whatever.

Either way these assholes should honor their coupons. Don't you agree?

A frustrating story and letter has shown up on the consumerist today. Now it's hard to distinguish what pisses me off more about this story.

Is it that shitty Pizza Hut keeps giving this girl the run around and I hate those assholes for just being so shitty?

Or does this petty fucking "customer" really fucking frustrate me because of the lengths she has gone through to save a few bucks and people like this should jump off a cliff?

Let's face it, a couple free pizzas is pretty nice but would you fill out a survey for it and go through all that trouble? Then if you did, you would probably feel like you deserve those two fucking pizzas for all the trouble you went through.

I don't know but this bitch REALLY pisses me off and so does Pizza Hut for being such incompetent jackasses.

What the hell do you guys think?

[The Consumerist]

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