I'm not sure how you guys are but I am obsessed with bookmarking web pages. For some reason, I find the urge to save almost every page that I visit. Even though I usually end up visiting it only once.
Foxmarks is the reason that I have started
this blog. I save so many web pages that I just had to do something with them all!
We have all run into this situation. You find a really cool web page, let's say, on your work computer, so you bookmark it. Once it's bookmarked, you can forget all about it. Then you get home and want to show someone. Of course you can't remember what it was, since it was so specific. Now the frustration begins!
That is where
Foxmarks comes in! Like most good internet users, I hope that you are using
Firefox. Whether your on a Mac, PC or Linux machine, it doesn't matter. There is no logical excuse not to use it. Perhaps I can explain that in another post.
Hopefully you know by now that
Firefox has so many useful
add-ons available for free.
Foxmarks is no exception. You simply install the add-on and
Bam! your bookmarks are accessible from anywhere that you can get on the internet. Not only that, but you can
sync them between machines so that all of your computers have the same bookmarks. This has proved to be the most useful
Firefox add-on to date.
If you would like to download
Foxmarks, just
click here and happy bookmarking!