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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Spiders on Drugs!

This is not a new video by any means. Everyone has to have seen this at one time or another. If you haven't, then this is your lucky day.

Scientists give spiders a variety of drugs such as THC, Cocaine and LSD etc. The reaction of each spider is pretty incredible and fucking hilarious.


Amazing Spider Net

(That's one happy spider)

This will be a quick little blurb. I stumbled upon this video of a spider building an odd web close to the ground. It really looks like she is building a small net of some kind. Well, I'm not going to give away too much.



I'm not sure how you guys are but I am obsessed with bookmarking web pages. For some reason, I find the urge to save almost every page that I visit. Even though I usually end up visiting it only once. Foxmarks is the reason that I have started this blog. I save so many web pages that I just had to do something with them all!

We have all run into this situation. You find a really cool web page, let's say, on your work computer, so you bookmark it. Once it's bookmarked, you can forget all about it. Then you get home and want to show someone. Of course you can't remember what it was, since it was so specific. Now the frustration begins!

That is where Foxmarks comes in! Like most good internet users, I hope that you are using Firefox. Whether your on a Mac, PC or Linux machine, it doesn't matter. There is no logical excuse not to use it. Perhaps I can explain that in another post.

Hopefully you know by now that Firefox has so many useful add-ons available for free. Foxmarks is no exception. You simply install the add-on and Bam! your bookmarks are accessible from anywhere that you can get on the internet. Not only that, but you can sync them between machines so that all of your computers have the same bookmarks. This has proved to be the most useful Firefox add-on to date.

If you would like to download Foxmarks, just click here and happy bookmarking!


World Names Profiler

World Names Profiler is a pretty interesting site for anyone whose last name is not "Smith." This is a joke you Smithies out there, don't get offended! It's just no fun if you have the same last name as half the population.

Anyway, for the rest of you assholes that haven't exited the page, this site will show you where your surname is most populated in the world. All you do is type in your last name and World Names Profiler will do the rest for you. It includes a map where you can zoom in to specific locations.

Although it will get you pretty close, the service still lacks in detail and some of the functionality just isn't there yet.

Give it a shot though because it is a pretty useful free service.

[Public Profiler]

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Zack Galifianakis is the real Kanye West

Although his pedophile beard may look a bit creepy, he is actually one of the funniest and most talented comedians in showbiz today. It's his nonchalant style that makes him stick out.

This video is no exception. He takes on a Kanye West song in a farm setting which proves to be fucking hilarious. The best part is when he makes his tractor hop up and down haha.

There is not much else to say, just watch the damn video.


PETA wants you to drink human breast milk

(Wouldn't that make some great Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream)

Apparently PETA has been getting a little bored lately and since no one will take any of them seriously, they had to take it up a notch. According to WNBC in New York, they have sent a letter to Ben and Jerry's pleading their case that Human milk is much better to use than cows milk in ice cream.

I don't know about you, but I'm not looking forward to slurping on a melting bowl of ice cream made from "milk" from those things. God I think I'm going to puke...

Go visit the link where they posted their entire letter for your entertainment.

Read the letter here.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Layout Changes

Hi guys,

As you can tell, I have been playing with some different layout styles and colors. I'm clearly not finished yet, so please bear with me.

I would love all of the feedback that I can get about it. If there is something that you like, then please tell me. If there is something that you hate please let me know as well!

You can email me at, find me on facebook or just leave a comment.

Thanks again!

-Johnny Dangerously

Friday, September 26, 2008

Jim? Tom? Who is Barak Obama Talking to?

Alright, as most of you, I'm watching the presidential debate that McCain almost didn't show up to. (That is a whole other topic for a whole other day).

Anyway, I first must say that Jim Lehrer is doing a pretty good job moderating this thing. I have seen him ask the same question over 3 times because both candidates keep jumping around the topics with their vague language. A lot of "sayings" flyin around up there. So now that that point is out of the way, let's move on to the entertaining aspect of this debate.

*Please understand that what I'm going to say and focus on is not an important aspect of this debate and/or election at all. This isn't a political blog. It's an entertaining/informative one. Just wanted to make sure that you understand that.*

It seems that Obama doesn't know or remember the name of his opponent. I have seen twice in the last 20 minutes (it is 9:40 pm here on the east coast) Obama referring to McCain as "Tom" and then "Jim." I know this is not important at all but I must say that I have found this quite entertaining! For some reason, "Tom" really had me laughing hard!

I will be looking for a video to show what I'm talking about.

These two are so full of shit...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Clay Aiken is Gay

(With a turtle kneck like that, there is no way he's not a fudge packer)

Everybody and their fucking brother called this one. Ever since his American Idol debut, people have been crying cock smoker. He denied and denied it over and over, which just got fucking annoying. I mean dude, come the fuck on! You look like you use the same "hair gel" as Ben Stiller in that movie...

So now it's fucking official. This is the most boring "coming out" in history. Just look at the news story, only a few pitiful paragraphs.

So who's next? Tom? (We all know he's a Scientology fag.)

[My Way]

Models Tripping on the Runway

The title really says it all. I have done "model" posts before, but this one is great. Well, probably not as good as The London Fashion Show post but still. Seeing the moment when a person is in the middle of a fall is priceless.

This is from the show that happened a few days ago in Milan. Apparently it was quite a record for two models to fall in one show because of their faulty heels.

Alright enough of my shit, let's just get down to the pictures.

-As we can see below, it looks as if this floozy just rolled a fucking bowling ball.

-And kaput...she lands on her calcium deposit...I mean pelvis...wait I mean ass...I mean where she shits from!

One more model to go! And these are good ones!

-There goes the ankle...She should take some fucking calcium...

-She looks like shes trying to deek the the fucking Vikings defense.

-And finally the nasty crotch shot...


Please Excuse My Absence

I would just like to apologize for my recent absence and the lack of content that has found it's way to The Latreen. Like most Americans in this economy, I have been working my ass off in my real life.

I hope that you can forgive a few slow days here and there. Either way, in the off time, someone very close to me has come up with the header graphic and I love it!

So yeah, there isn't much else to say, I just wanted to acknowledge this fact. See above for more content :-)

-Johnny Dangerously

Monday, September 22, 2008


(Looks like he could use the JEDI Gym)

In all honesty, wouldn't you love to harness the power of the force? I mean seriously, that would be so fucking awesome! Could you imagine having the power to lift an X-Wing fighter or a semi truck? I would really fuck some people up! Guess it's a good thing that it isn't real... or is it?

That's where this video comes in. A great friend of mine, also known as Matt, sent this one over to me today. This gives me hope that I have a chance to finally become a JEDI. I would join this gym in a second!

Until Darth Vader showed up of course...

This is one of the most well done internet videos to date. The creator did a perfect job not only with dialogue but in actor selection. The characters are great and convincing. If you don't get a chuckle out of this then go kill yourself.

[YouTube, Thanks Matt!!]

How to get a girl

Alright, we all find funny videos on the internet. I usually find them daily. That's why you visit The Latreen on a daily basis....right?!?!?!?! ;-) I do the hard work so that you have one source for funny and cool stuff everyday!

So this one fell upon my computer screen today. The stick figure stuff has been on the internet for awhile but it's still really funny and this one is no exception. As usual, there is a lot of truth behind what you are about to see and there is plenty of blood.

Doesn't make any sense? Well, stop reading and just watch the video already!


Sunday, September 21, 2008


I promise that this will not be another lolcats blog!

I just couldn't help it with this photo. It's the cutest most funny picture ever!!!

[Lol Cats]

Police Spelling Fail

I know that we all respect the men and women in uniform. Hey, let's be honest, there are some really great ones out there. One's that really help people and fight ACTUAL crime but good god that is a minority.

They don't have to be in shape or for that matter intelligent at all. But can't they fucking learn to spell?

You dirty ATL playas will really appreciate this one!

Work Out Fail

The good folks from The Fail Blog had this great video up today. What a poor guy but you can just see it coming.

He is working hard on those buns of steel in his sweatpants but he is about to become more flexible then he ever thought possible...

Oh and the song is just perfect!

[Fail Blog]

You've just been Dramateled!!

Is your babies daddy not answering your phone calls?

Do you think he's out messing around with some no good skanks? Perhaps skanks that he can't even remember their name? (Watch the white girl!)

Well the almost illegal Dramatel is here to help you catch that no good playa!

Like they say...Don't hate the Playa, Don't hate the game...WIN The Game!!!

Alright, enough with the infomercial intro. I was watching one of the most entertaining shows on television today, Cheaters, when this commercial came on. They have capitalized on the calling card business but brought it to a completely new level.

Now you can call that son of a bitch with another number and not only that but you can change your voice when you call!!!!!

Dude, this shit is fucking hilarious. The video below describes the product and fuck, it came one while Cheaters was on! You know what kind of demographic they were going for! hahahah

You've just been Dramateled Motha Fucka!


Saturday, September 20, 2008

You Suck at Photoshop

Everyone has messed around with Photoshop at one time or another. Now a days you don't even need to spend the money for an adobe license when there are so many close to or equal open source solutions out there( Maybe I will make a post about free software alternatives sometime).

But either way, a lot of you have the program. It can be very confusing especially for a beginner and of course you want to start taking advantage of all the functionalities available to you. Well, I have a rather entertaining solution for you.

Donnie Hoyle, the host, is fucking hilarious. It is very hard to describe what I'm trying to say here but just give it a peek and I promise you will enjoy yourself.

To give you a short summary of what to expect here, basically he has a video blog that goes over certain functionalities within Photoshop.

For instance, this video teaches you how to Photo Merge.

If you use photoshop or just want a laugh, check this shit out!!!

No... Seriously at least watch the first few minutes hahaha, It's fucking hilarious!!!!

Pizza Hut really sucks!


I am really not a big coupon guy. I mean, these pizza companies have made it a little easier by posting them online when you can order online but whatever.

Either way these assholes should honor their coupons. Don't you agree?

A frustrating story and letter has shown up on the consumerist today. Now it's hard to distinguish what pisses me off more about this story.

Is it that shitty Pizza Hut keeps giving this girl the run around and I hate those assholes for just being so shitty?

Or does this petty fucking "customer" really fucking frustrate me because of the lengths she has gone through to save a few bucks and people like this should jump off a cliff?

Let's face it, a couple free pizzas is pretty nice but would you fill out a survey for it and go through all that trouble? Then if you did, you would probably feel like you deserve those two fucking pizzas for all the trouble you went through.

I don't know but this bitch REALLY pisses me off and so does Pizza Hut for being such incompetent jackasses.

What the hell do you guys think?

[The Consumerist]

Travis Barker and DJ AM are in Plane Crash

There is some tragic news that has surfaced today. Apparently there was a fatal plane crash just outside of Columbia, South Carolina. The small Learjet ran off the runway and crashed on a nearby road where it started on fire. 3 men and 1 women were killed. Officials confirmed to NBC that two crew members and two passengers were killed.

Among the passengers were Travis Barker(You may know Travis as the drummer from the band Blink 182) and DJ AM.

It is reported that Travis and Adam are both in critical condition being treated for burns at a burn center in Augusta, GA.

dlisted has a very good article with various updates.

A Lear 60

The Skeptics Guide to the Universe

I must admit that I am not very experienced with podcasts. To be honest, I really have only listened to this one on a regular basis. So please take my recommendation with a grain of salt.

This is a weekly podcast that discusses various topics from science to medicine to sometimes political issues.

The hosts take a little getting used too but if your a skeptic like me then you should really enjoy this geeky hour or so of talk!

Have a listen!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Diddy steps in Dog Shit

This was not diddy's day. that still his name? You will have to forgive me, it is very hard to keep up with this cockball.

Anyway, some innocent pooch couldn't hold it any longer and dropped a couple of hot ones on the sidewalk. That's where the law of douches came into play.

As you can see in the photo below, Mr. Diddy landed his faggy silver bowling shoes right in it.
As his foot squished and slid he realized it right away and to his horror had smelly dog shit all over the bottom of his shoes.

Let's analyze the following photos, shall we?

-As you can see, he is walking carelessly to his destination. If you look even closer you can see his nostrils have started to enlarge due to the smelly pile of shit right in front of him.

-Then, here is the moment of impact!!!!

-And finally, the most satisfying of them all....the realization! mmuuuaaahahahahaha


The Parachute Stoner Dash

Most of us have celebrated 4/20 one way or another...but these kids took it to a whole new level. On this very special day, a large number of kids at some college hot boxed a parachute in the middle of the courtyard. Standing at the other end of the field, was an innocent tour group.

Then along comes Mr. piggy. You can see the Mr. Piggy trying to figure out how to handle this situation.

Should he wait for back up so that they can catch a bunch of these kids?


Should he do it alone and lift the parachute all by himself?

I think you will be glad he did what he did because it provides us with one of the funniest internet videos ever uploaded.

The guy holding the camera really puts the icing on the cake!


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Worst Tattoo

This is the fucking worst tattoo ever!!!!

And you know the asshole that got it says that he "loves" it.

[BF2S Forums]

Play Free Nintendo Games in Your Browser!

Sometimes the Gods smile upon us, my friends. I have no idea how I found this one but dammit, what a find!

On you can play full Nintendo(8 bit) games within your browser. You don't even have to download an emulator!

It has some of the best games ever created, such as Tecmo Bowl, Mario Brothers and The Legend of Zelda. Be careful logging onto this site at the office since you might get quite carried away!


The Food Tube

I'm trying to make this blog useful at times. As much as I will try to entertain, I will also try to give you useful information. A good example of this is my free TV post.

Well, here is another one that I hope you will find helpful. Some of us love to cook, some of us cook because we are sick of pizza. Either way, we have to do it sometime because grilled cheese with tomato soup really gets old after awhile.

That's where the FoodTube comes in. It is basically the YouTube for cooking. is filled with videos dedicated to teaching you how to cook a specific dish from pizza to Italian Baked Ziti.

So get cooking!


The London Fashion Show

How long will these things survive? It seems that the most "Brilliant" designers have just completely run out of ideas. They are already so far out of touch with reality and it really shows. They live in their own little world and fuck, they really suck at what they do!

For example, take a look at this piece:

Haha it looks like fucking space balls fashion is in now.

Or was it inspired by the red ghost from Pacman?

I think even Obama would approve!

(Has nothing to do with this post but that is just a funny picture!)


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Deter Office Refrigerator Theives

We all know these types. Leeching pieces of shit that wander into the kitchen in the late afternoon, claiming to get "coffee" while he really sifts his greasy fingers through your mexican leftovers.

Well now there is a solid solution! The Anti-Theft Lunch Bag should keep those nosey assholes out of your lunch bag...because it makes your sandwich look as if it was full of mold.

This idea is so stupid that it is genius!


Breathalyzer Manufacturers Vs. The State: IP War rages on...

We all fear those blue lights in our rear view mirrors. Getting pulled over takes years off your life. You almost fear that the police officer can hear your heart pounding in your chest. And god forbid if you had a beer earlier. We all know this is much more important than trying to find real criminals. So he asks you to step out of the car and the real fun begins...

Cops use breathalyzer readings as evidence against you in court...if your charged with a DUI. Most people just accept that these machines are accurate...after all, the police are here to protect and to serve us.

The Intoxilyzer 5000EN, a breathalyzer machine used by Minnesota law enforcement, is coming under fire across the country. Defendants are requesting to see the device's source code to test for inaccuracies. For those of you non-software engineers out there, it is the language a human writes that will be compiled so a "machine" can read and execute it. Blah blah, thats enough techy stuff for today :)

Ok, lets get right to it.

- The accused claim, in their defense, that they have a right to view the source code.

-CMI Inc., the company that owns the Intellectual Property, feels that they should not have to release the code since they own it.

So, what do you think? Tell us your opinion in the comments section.