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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fat Girl's Terrible Voice Gets Family Kicked Out Of Their Apartment

(Should Have Been A Star...)

Here is another sad story of parents enabling their child's mediocre, at best, talent...whatever it may be. In this case, big surprise, she is a singer.

Her name is Emma Chawner and she was kicked off of the British show X-Factor. Here is a quote from the DailyMail:

"Emma, 19, was notoriously rejected from the X Factor last year after singing Celine Dion's Titanic 'like a baby' and wearing a 'wedding dress' handmade by her father."

What a beautiful dress, right? I think I see some tea stains on that beach towel.

As the story goes, even after her absolute failure on the shitty X-Factor show, she continued to sing at her parents apartment. During this time, several complaints were filed against them for noise. These complaints started to rack up and Emma (enabled by her parents) just ignored them and kept on singing "like a baby."

What happens when you do this? Yup, you get kicked out of your place because you won't shut the fuck up. They are actually living in their car! I'm so glad we live in such a decadent, disgusting celebrity culture because there were fucking camera guys on the scene as they were leaving because of the eviction! That must have been the most humiliating experience but dammit I'm glad I got to see it!

I hope I'm not getting a little too cocky over here and jinxing myself because I love to sing in my mom says I have a great voice...much better than David Hasselhoff...


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