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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Preying Mantis Eats Coch Roach

I have shown you a couple spider videos before. Now I have brought you this pretty cool preying mantis video.

The person filming has a pretty nice camera that can take very close up macro shots. The preying mantis first poses for the camera then strikes out at a cockroach. He digs his claws, if you will, into the underbelly of the roach and starts chewing on it.

It's kinda funny because the roach is still alive while the preying mantis is trying to chew it. Every time the mantis goes to chew the roach moves and Mr. Mantis jerks away almost out of surprise.

Watch the video!



Unknown said...

i may be mistaken, but i think that's mrs. matis ;)

Johnny Dangerously said...

Hahahah thanks for the correction! ;-)

Unknown said...

you're welcome!...and i misspelled mantis. DAMMIT!