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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Slydial: Call stright to voicemail.

I think just about everyone will find this handy little mobile app useful. Sydial allows you to dial a persons number from your cell phone and go straight to their voicemail. God, I wish I had heard of this app sooner!

We have all been in the situation where we pray that the person we are calling won't pick up the phone. Like when you have to cancel on the annoying friend that invited you to their nephew's baptism. Well now you don't have to worry!

Just use Sydial and go straight to their voicemail! They currently support Blackberry, Windows Mobile and the iPhone.

I guess the flaws of modern technology come in handy once in awhile!


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Which Game Console Can Take A Beating...and Still Work?


This definitely isn't one of the most interesting posts I have written but still painful to watch.

There are three contenders; Wii, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.

Who will take the beating and come out on top?

Why don't you watch the video below to find out!!!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Woman Divorces Husband Because of Affair in 'Second Life'

(She reminds me of a fart...)

Alright, I can't believe that I actually have the privilege to bring you this story let alone knowing that these people actually exist in 'Real Life.'

So, I'm sure you have heard of the online 'game' of Second Life. Basically, you create a second life for yourself in a virtual world. You can be whoever you want and the world even has its own currency and functional economy. I know, I know, who the fuck would play that shit?

Well one of them is the fart lady up there. Let's recap a bit. They met in an internet chat room and got married shortly there after. They decided to mark the occasion by "holding a virtual wedding in Second Life". I'm not fucking kidding you.

Have a look at their real world stats:

And their Second Life stats:

Fart lady was wandering around the virtual world and caught her husband (in second life) having sex with a prostitute! Oh, how betrayed she must have felt! She did whatever any normal human being over 380lbs would do... Hire a second life private investigator!

She eventually found out her husband was having a virtual relationship with a female and was engaging in 'cybersex.'

So how did these two end up?

Fart lady divorced him and moved on. She met her current boyfriend in the game World of Warcraft! And the trend continues...

I hope you guys enjoyed this one!


I'm not sure how many of you are Radiohead fans out there but I sure as hell am. That's why I just loved the song Creep performed by Scala & Kolacny Brothers.

Let me translate that for you. That's 60 Belgian women singing Creep.

I wasn't exactly sure what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised. If you have a moment, click here to have a listen.

And if your not familiar with the original version, then watch the video below.

[Taking Tiger Mountain]

Saturday, November 8, 2008

FOX News Banned Ron Paul Debate

The Ron Paul 2008 Election story is a sad one. Here is a strict constitutionalist and true fiscal conservative running for the highest office in the land at a time when we can settle for no less. I don't mean to sound partisan here but I really enjoyed listening to Dr. Paul on the campaign trail.

Unfortunately, most people didn't hear from Dr. Paul very often on the TV during the primaries. Even though he was present on a few of the early debates, not many questions were asked of him.

The video below shows Dr. Paul answering a quite insulting question about his electability.

What do you think of his answer?

In fact, what do you think about Ron Paul in general?

Click here to voice your opinion in the comments section.


Why don't I post more often?

So, as you can tell, I haven't posted very much lately. I have found with my hectic work schedule that posting on a daily basis is probably unrealistic. I had a good run for awhile there but keeping that up is very difficult.

So let me set the expectation for a few posts a week but probably more. I hope this doesn't disappoint any of you but I'm trying my best!

Remember, when you have a chance, please visit our advertisers and support The Latreen!


-Johnny Dangerously

Why do women feel colder than men?

The thermostat battles are mostly related to the office but what about the temperature wars at home?

Here's the scenario. You come home from work and the house is way to warm. You just got out of an office that was too warm so your definitely not going to put up with that shit at home. You turn the AC on and sit back while you hear that satisfying hum of the AC unit. The air starts to get a bit more crisp and comfortable with every passing minute.

Then, your better half shows up from work. She feels instantly cold and heads straight for the thermostat. You can hear her footsteps get closer and closer to the temp controller and that satisfying hum is suddenly killed. She then goes about her business like nothing ever happened.

Perhaps you can tell I speak from experience...

We all know how these end up. Someone is uncomfortable, but is the temperature preference related to our sex? That is exactly what this article is about. It turns out that women naturally feel colder than a man even if both are in the same room.

There are other factors of course but sex is the biggest distinction. Read this article and find out why women feel colder than men.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Deal or No Deal: Biggest Bonehead Move

God I just love to see people screw up. Is that bad?

Especially when the stakes are high, like on the horrible show Deal or No Deal. That is exactly what happened. Some fat piece of shit played quite well on the game show. He got an offer from the upstairs douche for $603,000. That means he was offered to walk away with over $600k or take a chance on a million.

Apparently, intelligence doesn't run in his family as much as obesity does and unfortunately for him, it shows.

His wife, or whoever that fat cow is, tells him that he hasn't come this far just to quit but rather take a chance on a cool million.

Ok, let's look at this. He gave up $603,000 for a 50/50 chance at a million. Some would call him brave...I would call him stupid.

Either way, watch the below video to see what happens!

Oh yeah, what ever happened to Howie Mandel? He looks more like Uncle Ted now!