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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Deal or No Deal: Biggest Bonehead Move

God I just love to see people screw up. Is that bad?

Especially when the stakes are high, like on the horrible show Deal or No Deal. That is exactly what happened. Some fat piece of shit played quite well on the game show. He got an offer from the upstairs douche for $603,000. That means he was offered to walk away with over $600k or take a chance on a million.

Apparently, intelligence doesn't run in his family as much as obesity does and unfortunately for him, it shows.

His wife, or whoever that fat cow is, tells him that he hasn't come this far just to quit but rather take a chance on a cool million.

Ok, let's look at this. He gave up $603,000 for a 50/50 chance at a million. Some would call him brave...I would call him stupid.

Either way, watch the below video to see what happens!

Oh yeah, what ever happened to Howie Mandel? He looks more like Uncle Ted now!


Anonymous said...

HAHA that sucks..well he can go buy himself 15 double quarter pounders with cheese with his dollar.

Johnny Dangerously said...

Hahahah I love that video though. Makes me feel better that he isn't rich either haha.

Oh yeah, more like 38 double quarter pounders with cheese!