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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Woman Divorces Husband Because of Affair in 'Second Life'

(She reminds me of a fart...)

Alright, I can't believe that I actually have the privilege to bring you this story let alone knowing that these people actually exist in 'Real Life.'

So, I'm sure you have heard of the online 'game' of Second Life. Basically, you create a second life for yourself in a virtual world. You can be whoever you want and the world even has its own currency and functional economy. I know, I know, who the fuck would play that shit?

Well one of them is the fart lady up there. Let's recap a bit. They met in an internet chat room and got married shortly there after. They decided to mark the occasion by "holding a virtual wedding in Second Life". I'm not fucking kidding you.

Have a look at their real world stats:

And their Second Life stats:

Fart lady was wandering around the virtual world and caught her husband (in second life) having sex with a prostitute! Oh, how betrayed she must have felt! She did whatever any normal human being over 380lbs would do... Hire a second life private investigator!

She eventually found out her husband was having a virtual relationship with a female and was engaging in 'cybersex.'

So how did these two end up?

Fart lady divorced him and moved on. She met her current boyfriend in the game World of Warcraft! And the trend continues...

I hope you guys enjoyed this one!


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