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Friday, October 24, 2008

Diva Falls Off Table...Then Posts the Video

Have you ever been in a room, with a lot of other people, when someone breaks out in song? You know that embarrassing feeling you have while it's happening? I'm not sure if you're embarrassed yourself or for that person but you're fucking embarrassed. God, I hate that feeling.

Well, some girl has given us the pleasure of that experience sitting right at home. As you can see from that blur above, she is quite a hefty woman and that is quite a small table... so she comes up with the bright idea of standing on it to sing so all the world can hear...and see her fall flat on her ass.

The best part, I would say, is that this could have all happened without anyone's knowledge. She could have kept the video and redone it...once her ass stopped hurting. But no, she posted it on YouTube or some lucky individual found it and posted. I'm not sure how it happened but I am sure glad it did happen!

Go ahead and play the video below and watch the first minute, just to get that embarrassed awkward feeling I was talking about earlier. Then at 2:45 min, the fun begins!


[Dlisted Thanks Amber!]

1 comment:

Johnny Dangerously said...

Hahahah I know! Seriously!

But aren't you glad she did?

Are you ready for Repo!!?!??