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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Robot Dinosaur Kids Toy

I don't really know what to say about this Hasbro toy...guess I will just explain it. It is a pretty large robotic dinosaur that moves and makes weird noises.

The video below is a commercial for it and damnit I feel bad for the parents whose kid sees it. Can you image your little rascal begging you for this annoying expensive thing?

I see a couple problems with this thing. First of all you can feed it. When something goes in its mouth, it seems that a sensor prompts it to start chomping down. What happens when an unsuspecting kid places his hand in the robots death jaws?

Second problem I see with this thing is that kids will want to get on top and ride it. This might make them think, "It would also be fun to ride the dog!" which would just piss our dogs off. Not good for their backs.

Can I say that it is really creepy and perverted when the kid gets on top of this thing and starts humping it? The very next scene has the dinosaur moaning haha.

Check it out:



R. said...

Fupher wants a robot triceratops!

Johnny Dangerously said...

You know those kids are going to start riding the family dog!